

The Sixth Foundation for Australian Studies in China Conference Solemnly Held atOur University

发文单位:新闻中心      发布时间:2019年09月06日 17 : 05 : 44

Written by Su Ke’er, Wang Hui & Zhuang Yunlei

Photographed by Cheng Huiyu & Wen Shengcheng

    On November 2-3, the Sixth Foundation for Australian Studies in China Conference was solemnly held at our university.The theme of this session is “Global Connections: Space, Place and Shared Destiny”.Famous scholars and artists from all over the world gathered in Sichuan Normal University to discuss Sino-Australian relations and research topics.

    The opening ceremony of the conference was held in the Academic Hall of Shizishan Campus on the morning of November 2.Peng Yi, Deputy Director of Education Department of Sichuan Province,Lin Minghao, Consul General of the Australian Consulate General in Chengdu,Shirley Gao, Executive Chairman of Foundation for Australian Studies in China,Professor Gregory McCarthy, Chairman of BHP Billiton, Australian Research Center, Beijing University,Wang Mingyi, President of Sichuan Normal University, and Gao Zhongwei, Vice-President of Sichuan Normal University attended the opening ceremony.The opening ceremony was hosted by Gao Zhongwei.


Address by President Wang Mingyi

    Wang Mingyi delivered a speech on behalf of Sichuan Normal University. He said that the annual meeting opened the theme of “Global Connections: Space, Place and Shared Destiny”. The values implied in the concept of community of human destiny are of great significance for examining and promoting the current international educational activities of higher education, and also point out the way forward for the future international cooperation of higher education worldwide. The objective of this FASIC annual meeting is to strengthen strategic partnership and human-to-human relationship on the basis of mutual understanding and respect, so as to achieve a prosperous society for both China and Australia. He emphasized that the construction of the community of human destiny cannot be separated from the role of education. The community of human destiny requires education to jump out of the narrow perspective of organization, nation and country, transcend the thinking limitations of nation-state, pursue the interests of the community of human beings and contribute to the promotion of the well-being of all mankind. When we stand in the position of building a community of human destiny, we look forward to the mission of contemporary education, build an academic community, build a world youth community, and build a community of social responsibility. Facts have proved and will continue to prove that the initiative of a community of human destiny is a great idea and the construction of a community of human destiny is great. As long as we work together, we will surely find a new university relationship of mutual respect, fairness and justice, win-win cooperation, and live up to the great mission entrusted to us by the great era!


Address by Peng Yi, Deputy Director of Education Department of Sichuan  Province


The Opening Ceremony hosted by Gao Zhongwei, Vice-president

    Peng Yi delivered a speech. On behalf of the Education Department of Sichuan Province, she congratulated the convening of the conference and warmly welcomed the experts and scholars who came to the conference. She said that in this meeting, experts and scholars from relevant fields from China and Australia gathered to discuss the exchanges and related research topics at all levels between China and Australia, which is of positive significance to further promote the sound development of Sino-Australian relations and enhance the spiritual communication between the two peoples. She said that Sichuan has always attached great importance to opening up. Recently, at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, it was clearly proposed to build a three-dimensional opening pattern of “four-way development and all-round opening up”, to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries and regions in the world, and to create a new opening-up plateau in Western China. As China's resource-rich, populous, economic and educational provinces, Sichuan has all-round exchanges and cooperation with Australia. She hoped that Sichuan Normal University would give full play to its advantages in running schools, actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation, strengthen close ties and cooperation with Australian higher education, and contribute to the smooth progress of the seminar and the exchanges and cooperation between China and Australia.


Address by Lin Minghao, Consul General of the Australian Consulate General in Chengdu

    In his speech, Lin Minghao said that the exchanges and cooperation between China and Australia are getting closer and closer. The two countries are committed to promoting fruitful cooperative partnership, the core of which is comprehensive strategic partnership. The comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries has a solid foundation, including economic exchanges, commercial trade, cultural exchanges and other cooperation. Faced with the inevitable cultural differences in the process of cooperation between the two countries, we should respect each other, seek common ground while reserving differences, and communicate openly. Lin Minghao said that in this meeting, scholars from the two countries will share knowledge from different perspectives. Through joint efforts and exchanges, they will enhance mutual understanding between the two countries, further promote the development of bilateral relations and bring more benefits to the people of the two countries.


Speech by Shirley Gao, Executive Chairman of Foundation for Australian  Studies in China

    Shirley Gao briefly introduced the general situation of FASIC meeting, looked forward to the future development of FASIC meeting, and expressed her honor to participate in this meeting. She said that Sichuan Normal University, with a long history, is committed to cultivating teachers’honesty, trustworthiness and knowledgeable qualities, benefiting Sichuan and other regions of the world, and constantly improving its international influence. It is a model of excellent institutions of higher learning. This conference provides an exchange platform for Australian researchers, brings together many achievements and new researchers, promotes cultural and academic exchanges, and is conductive to the formation and development of healthy and close international relations in today’s globalization. Finally, she expressed her sincere thanks to the Australian Consulate in Chengdu, the Australian Embassy in Beijing, the Australian Chamber of Commerce, the China-Australia Youth Federation and Sichuan Normal University.


Speech by Professor Gregory McCarthy, Chairman of BHP Billiton, Australian Research

Center,Beijing University

    Gregory McCarthy expressed his gratitude to Sichuan Normal University. He said that it was the common efforts and dedication of the teachers and students of Sichuan Normal University that made the meeting held successfully on schedule. He said that the theme of the conference was timely, showing the common ground between China and Australia; Chinese and Australian scholars will certainly be able to gain from the two-day heated discussions; the outcome of the conference will certainly make more contributions to the cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Australia. Finally, he thanked the FASIC Sydney team for their contributions to the Beijing team, the Australian Consulate General in Chengdu and the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the communication and preparation of this meeting.


Baden Nima, Director of Australian Research Center, Sichuan Normal University,

made the keynote report of the opening ceremony

    Baden Nima, Director of Australian Research Center of Sichuan Normal University, made the keynote speech of the opening ceremony. He said that electronic technology promotes collaboration between individuals and organizations worldwide, bringing benefits as well as risks. Academic circles use new perspectives to rethink the rationality of the concept of human civilization, break the limitations of contemporary knowledge and subject classification, and seek solutions to environmental, resource, regional unrest and other issues. He said that the study of society can start with individual beliefs, discover their needs, values and emotions, and then come to the behavior and habits that can form some social groups. People in different living environments have different understandings of life, which is the root of the existence of different civilizations and social types. Therefore, we must take human life and the fate of the earth as the criteria for evaluating development and jointly pursue a better future.


President Wang Mingyi met cordially Lin Minghao and foreign leaders

    Prior to the opening ceremony, President Wang Mingyi had a cordial meeting with Lin Minghao and other foreign leaders in the reception room of the Academic Hall. Wang Mingyi said that it is an honor for Sichuan Normal University to host the conference. Our university has always paid attention to international exchanges and hopes to strengthen cooperation with the Australian Consulate General in Chengdu in the future. Lin Minghao congratulated Sichuan Normal University on hosting this meeting and expressed his willingness to maintain close contact with Sichuan Normal University and achieve more cooperation.

    FASIC officials, Sichuan Normal University officials and volunteer teams, as well as experts, scholars and artists from all over the world also attended the opening ceremony.

    After the opening ceremony, the conference held a keynote speech ceremony in the Academic Hall. The ceremony was presided over by Professor Li Ya, Deputy Director of Australian Research Center of Sichuan Normal University.

    Professor Ien Ang from the University of Western Sydney made a speech on "The Rise of Chinese Street and China". Starting from the relationship between the changes of Chinatown and the rise of China, she introduced the development of Chinatown in Sydney, Manchester, Malaysia and Lisbon, pointing out that Chinatown has changed from a traditional Chinese haven and settlement to a brand concept with rich connotations and increasingly diverse cultures. The rise of Chinatown as a brand concept is a product of new globalization and liberal economic development. It is closely related to the rise of the country and reflects the progress of social culture. She believes that in an interconnected world, people need to think carefully about complex issues such as the development of Chinatown and the interaction of local culture.

    Professor Chen Hong from East China Normal University delivered a lecture on Strategic Strategies for China and Australia in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. He discussed in detail the formation of the Indian Ocean Pacific Strategy, China's response to the strategy, China-Australia relations and other issues. He pointed out that China's rise will become an important force for sustainable development, and Australia’s geographic strategic position is crucial and can play an important role as a bridge on the Indian Ocean Pacific strategic platform. He hoped that Asia-Pacific countries would be more open and inclusive, pool wisdom, resolve disputes and play a more important role in the Indian Ocean and Pacific region.

    Professor Fazal Rizvl from the University of Melbourne gave a lecture on “The Challenges of Chinese Nationals and Country Change in Australia”. Starting from the introduction of the research topic of the impact of China's discrete population on Australian economy, he analyzed the changes of Australian immigration concept and mode, and studied the advantages of this issue from the perspective of the discrete population. He believes that if we cannot understand the new cultural paradigm of discrete population participation in economic construction, we cannot understand that cross-cultural has become the reality of Australia's economic characteristics. He hoped that this research could play a role in promoting the development of service-oriented economy.

    Professor Michael Wesley from the Australian National University gave a speech entitled Australia and Asia. He discussed the current situation and trends of global universities, the respective strengths and challenges of Australian and Asian universities, and how to deal with them. He pointed out that the advantages of Australian universities lay emphasis on cultivating students'critical thinking and global vision, and regard education as a global industry that combines research with education. He said that we need to strengthen educational innovation, pay attention to the global education balance, strengthen the reform of the education system, and pay attention to the balance between Humanities and natural sciencesin order to develop education.



    On the afternoon of November 2-3, the meeting was held in the conference room on the fourth floor, conference room on the sixth floor and 105 conference room, B Districtof the seventh Teaching Building of Shizishan Campus. More than 60 experts, scholars and artists from all over the world have conducted in-depth exchanges on various levels of exchanges and related research topics between China and Australia in 17 sub-forums through thematic discussions, keynote speeches, expert lectures and symposiums.


The 6th Foundation for Australian Studies in China and the Quality Education

Exhibition of the 2018 National College Students Cultural Quality Education

Base Construction Conference

    On the evening of November 2, the evening party held the Quality Education Exhibition of the 6th Foundation for Australian Studies in China and the 2018 National College Students Cultural Quality Education Base Construction Conference at Longhu Theater in Chenglong Campus. Rui Jierui,Former Australian Ambassador to the People's Republic of China, Wang Donglin,Vice Consul of the Australian Consulate General in Chengdu, Ms. Shirley Gao, Executive Chairman of the Australian Research Foundation in China (FASIC), Greg McCarthy, Professor of BHP Billiton Australia Research Chair, Beijing University, Kent Anderson, Vice President of the University of Western Australia, Professor Li Yao from Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages attended the evening party. The theme of the evening was "Shufeng Shuyun", which was divided into three chapters: "Yunxiao Wuxia Shubolai", "Fushu sleeve wind blowing Shuguoxian string", "Xifeng Lima Shuqingyi". On the basis of mysterious and beautiful Bashu culture and different artistic forms, the party shows the profound Bashu culture of Sichuan Normal University and presents an audiovisual feast of Bashu culture to audiences from all over the world.


Award Presentation Ceremony

    On the afternoon of November 3, the General Assembly held a closing ceremony and thestudent award ceremony in the Academic Hall. Shirley Gao, Executive Chairman of the Australian Research Foundation in China, Li Yao, Professor of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Li Jianjun, Professor of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Wang Donglin, Vice Consul General of Australia in Chengdu, Shirley Gao, Executive Chairman of the Australian Research Foundation in China (FASIC), Professor Greg McCarthy,BHP Billiton Australian Research Institute of Beijing University attended the closing ceremony and delivered a speech. The closing ceremony and the student award ceremony were presided over by John Paul, Commissioner of the Conference.

    Shirley Gao awarded Professor Li Yao “The Lifelong Contribution Achievement Award” for his contribution to the translation of Australian literature over the past 40 years. Wang Donglin presented awards to students who won the first, second and third prizes and outstanding awards in the 6th BHP Billiton Australian Research Chair Professor's Project Translation Competition. Greg McCarthy presented the award to the students contestant who won the title of “Excellent Student of the Australian Research International Conference in China in 2018”.